• Jyotish -The Study of Light, Vedic Astrology- Natal chart reading, consultation, and guidance

    Vedic Astrology is the most accurate and detailed astrological science. It reveals specific events in an individual’s life through true alignments of the stars, and all the planets, based on the specific time and location of birth. Vedic Astrology opens a view to the enormous Web of karmic influence and personal potential, that each planet’s magnetic & energetic forces have on our personal lives. Foundation is based upon Houses, Signs, Nakshatras, and Mahadashas.

  • Be aware of the energies that come through seasonal transitions- from summer to fall, to winter, to spring, to summer, and back into fall. And learn where in your life these shifting energies may affect you. Our life is framed by the seasons, particularly in the points of change in season. Ayurvedically our body, mind, and emotional constitution dramatically change with each shift in season. Our bodies and minds are directly affected by the changes in earth and atmosphere at points of seasonal shifts, which are manifest by earth’s relationship to Sun and Moon. At these pivotal points of shifting energies in our environment and in our lives, we are in-tandem affected by the energies and gravitational forces of all planets and nakshatra zodiac signs.

    These Quarterly Transit Readings are only offered in the weeks leading up to the Summer & Winter Solstice, and Autumnal and Spring Equinox. (first weeks of September; first weeks of December; first weeks of March; and first weeks of June). And are only available after initial consultation with Natal Chart Reading.

  • 30 minute audio recording is made, specifically pulled from your chart, and then sent to you. There are four major Nakshatra energies specific to your astrological chart, that in relationship and contrast hold significant aspects of your personality and way of being. These Archetypes hold positive and challenging energies that push, pull, and dance in flow with each other. As in relationship to each other these archetypes play out the energies, karmas, and characteristics of who you are and how you might be in life, wisely responding to changing and challenging energies influencing your life. The four key Nakshatra Archetypes are found in your chart’s alignment to: Moon, Acendant, Sun, and Lagnesh (which is the placement of your lagna lord in your chart)

  • Your first Birth Chart reading will introduce you to how Vedic Astrology actually (and precisely) works in the energy of the stars and planets, and how those energies effect, grab, and pull your life. This first reading consultation will show the energies, karmas, and possibilities, as they are present throughout your entire life. You do not need to come into a birth chart reading with an intention or questions, the immense and endless web of possible information will unfold the right amount of information that you need to get started in looking down this endless portal, that is the many-layered web of Vedic Astrology. However, you may want to come into the reading with any specific or broad personal, family, or career questions you want deeper guidance in. This orients the direction of the many windows that a birth chart reading will start to open. It is up to you- wether you would like to direct the flow in a certain direction, or if you would like to open the door and just see what directive guidance blows in. Either way works great, and you will hear exactly what you need and are supposed to hear.

    If you are scheduling an Astrology Full Birth Chart Reading for the first time, you must have the following information ready:

    The date of your birth

    The exact time of your birth

    The exact location of your birth

    Bring a notebook or personal journal, for taking down important notes, and remembering dates and key highlights from the reading.


Birth Chart Reading, Initial Consultation (hour and half) - $180 You will need to have the following information ready when booking your first Astrology reading: date of birth; exact time of birth; place of birth.

Birth Chart Reading plus accompanying prescribed Astrological Flower Essences - $200

Astro Chat - Consultation - $100 for an hour $60 for half hour Come in to talk through anything regarding your life as framed by personal Astrology chart (Only after initial consultation with Natal Chart Reading) (Can be done over phone.)

Transit Reading - $125 Annual or monthly reading of current living sky as it pertains to relevant current aspects of your life using your personal chart (Only after initial consultation with Natal Chart Reading) (one hour)

Quarterly Transit Reading - $125 Spotlight awareness in your life, with the energies coming through powerful seasonal junctures and in the shifting energies of earth’s relationship to sun & moon, along with all stars & planets, in times of quarterly seasonal change. These Quarterly Readings are only offered in the weeks leading up to summer & winter solstice, and autumnal and spring equinox. (Only after initial consultation with Natal Chart Reading) (one hour)

Transit Reading plus accompanying prescribed Astrological Flower Essences - $140

Four Nakshatra Archetypes - $40 30 minute audio recording is made, specifically pulled from your chart, and then sent to you

Astrological Flower Essence Remedy - $25 One vial of custom composed & blended flower essences, in remedy to afflictions found in your personal Astrological chart

  • To support - Emotional, Physical, Psychological, and/or Spiritual Well-being

    Living vibrational sound holds the physical, neurological, and spiritual transformative power of personal energy waves. Physically experienced sound waves- deeply penetrate & clear dense or blocked issues stored in body tissue, as well as carry the potential to reset & realign neural pathways through its intentional frequencies.

  • Yoga Nidra is a systematic method of inducing physical, mental and emotional relaxation. The term ‘yoga nidra’ is derived from two Sanskrit words, ‘yoga’, meaning union of body-mind-consciousness, and ‘nidra’, which means sleep.

    In Yoga Nidra, or psychic sleep, the consciousness functions at a deeper level of inner awareness and relaxation and is detached from the conscious mind. In this threshold state between sleep and wakefulness, contact with the subconscious and unconscious dimensions occurs spontaneously.

    “Most people sleep without resolving their tensions. This state is termed ‘nidra’. Nidra means sleep, no matter what or why. But ‘yoga nidra’ means sleep after throwing off the burdens. It is of a blissful, higher quality altogether. Bliss releases the atman, the inner self. That is why, in Tantra, Yoga Nidra is the doorway to samadhi.” -Swami Satyananda Saraswati

  • Sound therapy can be a magical experience of connection and shared harmonizing frequency between two people. We are all made of sound, and we each vibrate at our own unique frequency. The shared harmonizing and bringing together of those unique frequencies can be healing, partner amplifying, and energizing between a couple in unifying sound wave frequencies. The sound roots out any dis-harmony or blocked energy and makes way the channels for love, companionship, trust, and beautiful shared levels of seeing the world together.

  • Sankalpa - Intention connected with your heart’s deep desire

    Set a Sankalpa, Bring an Intention. Make an intention for any area of your life you are working on. The intention of any positive energy or affirmation that you wish to bring more of, into your life. Keep it simple and succinct. An intention is like an affirmation. Something that you want to create your life around. It can be whatever you like, such as: vibrant health, unceasing joy, Abundance in resources, brilliance of mind and heart... Maybe you are feeling angry- you wouldn’t want to use "I don’t want to feel angry"…because the mind’s subconsciousness doesn’t recognize the concept, “do not”. It reinforces the ‘angry’. From there you may want to work with “My being is PEACE”. “I am always returning to peace" “I am harmony” “I am Loving Awareness”

    If you don’t have something that immediately comes to mind, give yourself some time to see what comes up in the time before coming in. Notice the struggles, what are you chafing against? What are your ambitions, attractions, or aversions? The seed of an intention is there. We can talk about that when you come in, but in the meantime, make notes. Notice what your soul is giving you for material.

    Dress comfortably. You will be laying on a mat or covered on a soft massage table. Dress in the clothes that you would wear for meditation or yoga asana.

    Living Sound, with directed intention, is a very powerful energetic wave of healing force that works directly into the physical body and the electro neurological pathways of consciousness. Sound therapy, projecting living waves of sound, is a full body massage. Where the active vibrations of sound enter and move through our deepest tissues and internal blockages. Everything known as material in this word is actually matter and space, vibrating at various frequencies of perception. Everything is sound. We are sound vibrations. Sound therapy dissolves the noise inside you that is not you, allowing more flow and ease in your whole system. Intentional vibrational sound is a channeled energy transmission, lifting you in expanded resonance. Sound healing integrates the hidden parts of lost soul, and reveals your own healing through your own wholeness.

    It's been found that sound therapy can be an effective healer for a range of mental, emotional, and even physical ailments, and has been a valuable treatment for several conditions such as:


    Anxiety disorders




    Autism spectrum disorders

    People with learning difficulties

    Those with behavioral and psychiatric disorders

    Sleep disorders

    Aches and pains

    Some cancers

    Disharmony in the blood

    Misalignment in bone and joint structures

    Some of the most highly reported benefits of sound therapy and sound healing include:

    Reduced stress

    Fewer mood swings

    Lower blood pressure

    Lower cholesterol levels

    Better pain management

    Improved sleep

    Mental clarity

    Increased Energy

    Increased self confidence

    Increased positive knowledge of self


Sound Therapy session (one hour) - $100

Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation - $100

Group Sound session, Yoga Nidra, Group Meditations - $250 (*Group sessions require a different setting-up of the sound studio, as such group sounds are not scheduled on a day to day bases, rather are scheduled during certain time-frames when the studio is configured for groups. Often on weekends.)

On-site Sound Meditation - *Inquire for pricing (Often utilized by Yoga studios, meditation centers, professional retreats, working company staff development, in-home individuals, and private parties)

  • Sacred Breath Work, also known as “Rebirthing” or “Conscious Connected Breathing” is a safe, powerful and gentle breathing technique that is typically relaxing, balancing and energizing all at the same time. By harmonizing and elevating the life force, this practice enhances physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Ultimately, Breath Work can guide us to our true divine potential and highest soul purpose. (“Sacred Breath” definition by Juliana Swanson of Astral Harmony astralharmony .com)

  • Reiki energy, Shamanic Sound healing, and Intuitive energy, work to heal, clear, and transform. Reiki has the capacity to identify, open, and heal aspects of body, spirit, mind, heart-mind, and emotional states. You may come with diverse aliments- pains or blocks in your physical body or in your emotional heart. The physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual channels all are channels worked within Intuitive Reiki. It is all connected. You will find true healing for what seems “wrong” or “blocked” is actually an energy that is already contained in your body, spirit, and mental consciousness. The Intuitive Reiki Energy work simply locates this blocked or hidden healing energy that is already in you, to allow full freedom and flow to healing energy that is yours. Everything in energy is intuition. The intuition of the healer will guide everything. The intuition of the healer will find the intuition and healing energy within you.

  • Jharra is a healing technique in which the practitioner repeats a Mantra while sweeping peacock feathers over a person’s body, thereby clearing out dis-harmony and allowing the natural harmony to preside. With each sweep, the mantra is repeated.

  • Clearing of dense energy with vibrational sound and/or use of sage and other sacred herbs.

  • Reiki, Rebirth Breath Work, Jharra, and Intuitive Readings, all have the capacity to identify, open, and heal aspects of body, spirit, consciousness, heart-mind, and emotional states. You may come with aliments, pains or blocks in your physical body or in your emotional heart. The physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual channels all are channels worked with Intuitive Energy work. You may come in for help in physical joint pain and find that the energetic cause to your pain is a blockage in your emotional buried heart. It is all connected. You will find true healing for what seems “wrong” or “blocked” is actually an energy that is already contained in your body, spirit, and mental consciousness. The Intuitive Energy work simply locates this blocked or hidden healing energy that is already in you, to allow full freedom and flow to healing energy that is yours.

    Come into Intuitive Energy Work with an intention to heal or open a part of you. However keep your mind very open to the process of finding healing to any issues. And keep your mind open to discovering blocks, traumas, or negative energies that you had no idea existed within you. It is all connected. Keep your mind open, to allow the intuitive energy to open itself fully to you. Everything in energy is intuition. The intuition of the healer will guide everything. The intuition of the healer will find the intuition and healing energy within you. Keep your mind, heart, and spirit open.


Rebirth Breath Work - $100

Reiki energy healing session - $100

Energy Healing with Sound - $100

Jharra clearing & healing - $50 for half hour 3 sessions for $90

Intuitive Card Reading - $80 This includes a guiding experience from formal Tarot to a rainbow of mystical intuitive maps or Oracle cards

Space Clearing - Inquire for pricing To schedule a home, office, or space clearing & cleansing (herbal Smudge, Intuitive Sound, and Energy Ceremony)

Flower Essence Remedy - $25 one vial of custom composed & blended flower essences, made personally for you and your intention

  • Reiki: Through the Lens of the Elements and the Chakras - class

    This is an exciting approach to teaching and initiating Reiki techniques, uniquely developed and designed by Jennifer Becwar of Blue Bindu. This course guides the student through energetic steps of Reiki initiation via a lens of the energy body centers known as Chakra centers. And also exploring the five elements as relative to these energy centers. This course takes the student through this energetic exploration utilizing a learned energy experienced via all five sense of perception in the body as will as the sixth senses found in the subtle and ethereal bodies.


Reiki Class - Reiki: Through the Lens of the Elements and the Chakras, Class - Education Reiki 1 and 2 certification. - 7 classes at $70 per class (Go at your own pace), $480 for whole 7 class series

Working with Spiritual Guides and Opening Your Own Intuition, Group Class *Contact for pricing, location arrangements, and more information